Thursday 8 September 2011

Dily Daly

Well, not the biggest milestone in the world, but big for me.
Over 50 likes now on the FB page! I wanted to do something special when I hit the 5-0 and I've decided what it's going to be!

BUT you';ll have to go on over to the page on FB at:

On other notes, I saw something today was was pretty lame.
Some group hada table set up with a computer, and were PAYING PEOPLE to come and like their page, just so they could look better and be "established" as they put it.
To me, that's dumb.
I would honestly rather have 10 people like my page because they like what I do, like my style and like it because they can genuinely say "hey, I like what you do and want to have you take pics"
Not for monetary reasons.
It's just... fake and corrupt.
Really, if people would base their business on however many "likes" are on a page then to me, that doesn't really show they care much about all the effort you put in to something. Let your work speak for you!

Some of the best things I have seen have been more on the underdog level, or the tiny restaurant on 3rd behind, y'know the rare gems! :)

That was really just my thought of the day....
but I'm still THRILLED that I have 50 likes!
Still the more the merrier! Just don't base your whole business on it! :)

Keep on Clicking!

<3 JML

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