Monday 26 September 2011

So I've...

I've decided, that since giveaways are SO awesome, that when I get to 150 LIKES on my FB page.
What I'm giving away yet, I'm still deciding... but it'll be awesome :)

But on another note, I really love that fall is here! I do love the summer weather... but really, out summer just blew. August was great though for weather, just a shame the rest of it wasn't so good.

I am super excited to go a pick pumpkins, carve the pumpkins, bake pumpkin pies and of course, HALLOWEEN! YAY!
Already bought my son's costume too!

but here's some pics of what lovely Fall scenes I've seen lately! <3

oh and I have 2 spaces left for my Halloween Mini's on OCT 22ND! 1:20 and 2:pm!
Message me for details!

really cool leaf overlap!

loved the way the lights hit!

leaves changing!

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Won't Let iT Get Me (personal)

for the past few months, I have been so busy.
I know, I say that a lot, lol, but it's true.. sometimes I ask "WHY do I do this to myself?" and then I look at my son and know why.
To those that know me, it's no secret that I want the best in life for my family - and that we are dreaming of owning our own place someday.
It doesn't have to have 4 acre land, or 500 rooms, just... a place we can grow in.

I admit, I feel horrible most days because I don't get to spend lots of time with my family, and I feel my son isn't bonding with me... but all I have to do is make a silly face and he's all giggles!
Sometimes I do amaze myself with how much I do... and I can't believe I can fit it all in there!
I sell Avon, BeautiControl, I work semi-full time in a full, and busy Preschool during the day and I teach Reading Classes in the evenings... and of course, I have Photography <3
But I wouldn't give it up for the world!!
Preschool and photography are my HUGE passions in life, and even though I'm a log on the floor by 9pm, I still love it - especially knowing there are people that love what I do!

But when it comes down to it.. I just have to look at my son and think "This is for YOU"
because it is... He has inspired me to do this and we'll have a real family space soon <3

This for You Jarron - Love Mommy <3 xoxo

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Maternity Shoot - Rebecca and Matthew!

Sunday was a super busy day for us, but it was a good day!
It started off with us taking a ride out to Maple Ridge; (I probably haven't been out there since.... grade 5? grade 7? lol) but the drive was so nice - and the homes looked gorgeous - especially the farm ones with all that land!

Rebecca and Matthew were a blast' they were so fun and I was so honored to have the pleasure of taking their pictures!
Their little girl was adorable (as you will see soon!) and I can only imagine how cute their second will be!

Afterwards we made our way back home - not without stopping at The Spirit to get Jarron a Halloween Costume - OH MAN WOW- that store is AWESOME, but a little pricey :S Still, they have great costumes there so go check it out if you can!
It's in Langley by Willowbrook Mall - The Bay

Jarron had his own adventures that day... and he had no pants. no pants... i swear he wets them intentionally just so he can have no pants.

This week is going to be yet another busy one... so enjoy these pics and catch the blog for some px of the week!!

Keep on Clicking!
<3 JML

Monday 12 September 2011

Busy Busy Busy... What?

It has been *so* super busy these past few days.. a good busy, but busy.
We braved Buntzen Lake again to do the all around hike, and wow - it was so much harder this time around, probably because I had a backpack... but I did it!
Soon this baby weight will be gone!
Family weekends are so great - and so is the fall.
I am SO excited for fall.. I guess it means Christmas is closer :)
but no, I really do love the fall... all the leaves changing colours, pumpkins, apples, harvest time.. it's just such a gorgeous time of the year.
I hope to take lots and lots and lots of photos of it! Hopefully of some families too!

But.. here are some great pics of our family weekend - and remember to check out the FB page!!
I have an AWESOME contest going on to win a FREE photoshoot!

Keep on Clicking <3


NO more Swings Plz!