Saturday 11 February 2012

And I will Always love you...

These past few weeks have been really, well, just blah.
Today was also an off day - just a conglomeration of different feelings and emotions.
I was especially disheartened to hear of Whitney Houston's passing... her music was HUGE in my life. Still is.
I just watched the Bodyguard on Monday.
Just a real shame she couldn't shield herself away from all that drug use in the past.
I hope people start seeing these loses as a wake-up call.
Music lost a legend, and I lost an idol.

But I have one thing to be very thankful for and that's my hubby.

I probably haven't been verbal enough in my appreciation towards him.
He really does a lot - he drives me to my shoots, he picks me up from work, he picks up odds and ends for me on his breaks, he changes and feeds our son without fuss... he's just a great guy.
I'm really lucky.
He gives the best hugs when I am not at my best, and when I don't feel like smiling... he can find a way to bring it back.

He also makes a great test subject for lighting as you will see down below...

I love you, William
and thanks for being my rock when I feel like mush <3 <3

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