Wednesday 21 March 2012

Been A While

I am horrible at keeping up with the blog. I guess I need to take some time and actually set up one day a week, or every other week to update lol
Life gets so busy I just forget... or procrastinate a little :p

Nothing too super special this time, I do have a few things to put out there, but I'll have a better blog and website update for that later in the week :)

I celebrated my birthday last week and decided to have a nice Family Day.
So, my hubtar, son, mom and brother came with me to the Vancouver Aquarium.
I haven't been there since grade school... LOOOONG time ago
/aged myself.. lol

It was fun and the weather held out :) it was DEFINITLEY the BEST age to take him. 1.5 years was great. I definitley would not have taken him any younger than that :P
the Way down was... an adventure.
Saw some guy thinking he was "all that" in his beat up pickup singing (and by singing I mean wailing off key to Billy Talent...) annd you know.. he's gunning it through every light, burning rubber... being a grade A "winner" annnd we come up to him later and he hit someone from behind..

remember, when driving anywhere.. ESPECIALLY VANCOUVER, don't be stupid.
No one was hurt, but I'm sure his ego was shot to hell lol

All in all, it was a good day; Jarron was just enthralled by the Aquarium! Definitley a great place to go if you haven't been ever, or in a while :)

Keep On Clicking
<3 JML

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