Saturday 24 December 2011

12 FAVES of Christmas!

You all know the song. and if you don't... you will someday and probably regret it lol
It's one of those... things that get stuck in your head.. kinda like "The Wheels on the Bus"

But, instead of days.. I have things.
My 12 Favourite things of Christmas!


Yes, I LOVE decortions.
I love the festive feel and joy it brings. It's sets the tone.
You don't even have to follow rules! I myself, love the traditional carol cottages, coal trains etc... but not huge on your typical red and green.
Pink, Silver, Gold and Red would be my decorations of choice.. lol if my house would match it.
Maybe next year I'll have a real place to decorate and maybe won't ben torn apart by a certain someone.. :p


You could say I collect them.. I receive different kinds every christmas.
Some old, new, disney, spongebob, disney.. you get the idea!



what it wouldn't be without music.
I'd seriously claw my brains out if there were no music. It just, fills you up inside.
But I'm talking about the classics... Bing Crosby, Jackson 5, Elvis etc..
Newwer artist, I find... bring a flat monochromatic feel to it *coughTAYLORSWIFTcough*
really, seriously... not a fan of any christmas stuff she does.. Josh Groban however :0)


Gift Making

I admit, I need to do more of this - instead I help dozens of preschool children make special gifts for their parents haha
someday, i'll be on the receiving end of that however and I can't wait!!


Cinammon, Ginger and Pine

no necessarily all together... but i love those smells!
I miss not having a real tree, but hopefully when we have a better space for it we can again!
Gotta say, our fakey looks pretty amazing!


Giving Back

I thoroughly enjoy giving back to others.
Whether it be holding a door, hailing a bus, lifting bags or even making a donation.
I just hope that we can do this more through the year instead of this one special time.


The Seeking

I actually like finding all the deals lol it's the mom in me, or maybe even my dad, to find the best prices.
But not just that, but to find what others desire  - not so much for the monetary/material reasons, but to give them a christmas to remember.


Ol' Saint Nick

Meeting Santa every year was always such a joy.
He'd patiently sit with me and hear out my christmas list... even if it's wasn't for me.
Now as a mom myself, it's a joy to see my son do the very same.
This year he sat with Santa and smiled.. and waved his candy cane like a champ! I wonder what he may ask for one day :)


Taking time to reflect

reflect on what you've been given and already have.
Not just possessions, but the people in your life. So many moments pass where we don't say "I LOVE YOU" or "Thanks" or "Good to see you"
These moments are fleeting as time escapes us.
I can appreciate this time of year, because it reminds me to STOP and think about this more, and implement smaller and yet meaningful things yearly. Not just at Christmas


PicturesTruly, I can't get enough or TAKE enough.
I love capturing the moments. The Joy. The excitement. The intrigue. Sometimes, the tears of joy.
It's these that I hold dearest.


Not all gifts are wrapped in bows, or shiny boxes or cost $$$
One gift that was given came in the form of a child.
I may not be as diligent as I should with my faith, and often get lost in the hustle... but I take time to feel humbeled by a great gift that was given to us.
It also instills in me how great of a gift I have in my own son.
He could never be replaced with anything, as he is my greatest gift...


I look forward to this the most. I love to give more than receive.
It is a feeling I can't describe.
To make someone happy, even a perfect stranger, brings a joy like none other.
It doesn't have to be a gift either.
Kind Words

we all have unique talents, and that is a gift in itself!
Share your gifts and talents this Christmas and may you ALL be blessed!!

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