Wednesday 18 January 2012


I know a lot of others complain about the snow... but I love it.
Though I'm sure when I start driving in it my opinion will change lol
On the weekend we took our son across the street to play in the snow, as he didn't get to really experience it last year.. being only 4.5 months at the time :p

He loved love looooved walking in it. But would not touch it. Period.
But we could throw it at him and he enjoyed it.... go figure lol
Today the preschool is open, so I hope we can all go outside today and play in the snow!

Also on the weekend, it was a very nice experience that we were able to attend Faith Lutheran Church in Burnaby.
Sadly, they are closing their doors. Though, my greatgrandad was one of the members who helped commission the church and built a gorgeous cross out of the wood and materials from his shipyard.
It was nice to be there for my Mumup, and support something that meant so much to her.

I'm normally not on the comp before I go to work, or at least here anyway lol, so enjoy some pics of our weekend!
Keep on Clicking!
<3 JML

tripped... and didn't like it much!

daddy coming to the rescue

it's alllll good!

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