Wednesday 19 October 2011

Holy Wow

I apologize, I have definitely been neglecting the blog.
Not because I'm lazy or haven't had anything to do.... truth is, what HAVEN'T I had to do? ahaha
Have a week full of shoots, plus 10 and 15 hour Teaching days and your days go by VERY fast.I can't believe it is almost Halloween already!
I LOVE Halloween.
I am so so so excited for the Halloween Mini's I will be doing this Saturday as well! All the costumes to see, the pictures to take... exciting!

I did a few Halloween shoots last weekend, and a few newborn shoots in between - and the winner of my last contest had her pictures done as well! Good times!
Spread the word to your friends about the blog and the FB page!
I'm still going to be doing a Giveaway when I get to 150 LIKES! VERY EXCITING!
Make sure to add the "@' sign in front of my name/photo-brand should you be FB savvy enough to share ;)

but on to the pics!!

Keep on Clicking
<3 JML

Shiye :)

Lee, Shiye and Michelle! What a great family!

Baby Alice

Drew, Alice and Stephanie!
Baby Brenna. What an angel!

My son's first time at Hazelemere Farm!

Looking for Pumpkins..

Momma and My Boy <3

mmmm Delicious

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