Tuesday 9 August 2011

Party like it's 1989! Or Well, Mario Style :)

This past weekend, if you can beleive we even had a weekend (yes, it was THAT busy!) we had Jarron's 1st Birthday Party!
His actual birthday is still a  couple days away... so there will be something special on the blog that day :)

After humming and hawing about it for months, we thought a super Mario themed party would be pretty sweet... and sure enough, it was!
Yoshi Cupcakes, Mario Goodies, Color Themes and yes, even a Baby Mario made his appearance.
Jarron had lots of fun - and even conquered his fear of grass. Yes, grass. It's a texture thing...
There was lots of fun, sun and goodies to be had.
A big thanks to everyone that came out to make his day SUPER Special :)

Get a Glimpse of our day!

Keep on Clicking!
<3 JML

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