Sunday 28 August 2011

Newborn Shoot - Baby Braydon!!

I had the absolute pleasure of taking photos for a friend and her beautiful new baby boy, Braydon!
Her other little guy sure has grown since I saw him last and he's still as cute as ever!
It was a great shoot - and the little man was such a trooper!
Didn't poop or pee on his mama this time :)

But without delay, here are some shots of our day - some faves from the page, and some new ones!!
I had such a hard time selecting which ones to post because I loved them all!

*** P.S $40 Summer Promotions going on Until SEPTEMBER 10TH! :) ***

Keep on Clicking
<3 JML


Wednesday 24 August 2011

New Life, New Days!

It's been a while, I know - Life is so go go go I don't have much time to dedicate to anything other than my son and the 40+ children I work with daily :)
ahhh the life of a Preschool Teacher.

Just a few days ago, we were able to see some good friends and their brand new baby!
I love babies and she was no exception! Such a gorgeous little girl.
Much much much happiness and many congrats to their little family!!

It makes me think about just how fast time goes and my little guy JUST turned 1... and it doesn't seem so long ago since he was that small... actually, he was never that small.. haha but you know what i mean!

Hope you are all enjoying the great sunshine!!

Keep on Clicking!

<3 JML

Monday 15 August 2011

Dog Days

What a busy busy week it's been for me... not too much in the way of photography, but just life in general.
It can be SO frustrating that the days just pass me by.. I have so much to accomplish, or would like to at least and yet it never seems to get done... or well, i feel that way!

But that's why i love photos. I get so caught up in the moment, but photos i can reflect and reminisce about for hours. Makes me feel like I haven't missed much at all because I can revisit special moments over and over and over again!

That's my little corner of wisdom and thought for the day, lol
Here are some pictures of a fun day at the park with some special guests!

Keep on Clicking!

<3 JML


Tuesday 9 August 2011

Party like it's 1989! Or Well, Mario Style :)

This past weekend, if you can beleive we even had a weekend (yes, it was THAT busy!) we had Jarron's 1st Birthday Party!
His actual birthday is still a  couple days away... so there will be something special on the blog that day :)

After humming and hawing about it for months, we thought a super Mario themed party would be pretty sweet... and sure enough, it was!
Yoshi Cupcakes, Mario Goodies, Color Themes and yes, even a Baby Mario made his appearance.
Jarron had lots of fun - and even conquered his fear of grass. Yes, grass. It's a texture thing...
There was lots of fun, sun and goodies to be had.
A big thanks to everyone that came out to make his day SUPER Special :)

Get a Glimpse of our day!

Keep on Clicking!
<3 JML